

Peter Janson-Smith, and LBF 2016

Some sad news: our consultant Peter Janson-Smith died on April 15th aged 93. He was Ian Fleming’s agent, as well as Eric Ambler’s, Gavin Maxwell’s, and many other writers whose works are still in print. He gave Rosie Buckman her first job and encouraged her to set up The Buckman Agency; and when Peter Buckman gave up full-time writing and thought about becoming an agent, it was to Peter Janson-Smith he turned for advice. After a good old-fashioned publisher’s lunch involving at least three bottles of Merlot, they set up The Ampersand Agency, to which he brought the Georgette Heyer Estate. When we became a limited company he acted as consultant, and his long experience, superb negotiating skills, and reputation for honest and sensible dealing were invaluable in establishing our position in the business. We will miss him greatly.

On a more upbeat note, we had a busy London Book Fair with so many meetings over all three days we only had time to attend four – or was it five? – parties. We are glad to say we don’t have many writers we haven’t placed with publishers, but it was encouraging to see every one of that handful excite interest from the editors queuing up to sit at our table and have some of our salted caramel peanut brittle. We discussed new books from our established authors, and even film scouts were scribbling furiously, their eyes dazzled by the tantalising glimpses they were given of the talent we represent. But though there was talk at the Fair of the return of the good times in publishing, the more realistic among us know that success these days is won only through hard work on behalf of our clients.

To that end, it’s back to the submissions for us…