

Quentin Bates

Quentin Bates went native in Iceland, married a local, and worked as a seaman before turning to maritime journalism. Frozen Out is the first of a series of crime novels featuring Gunna, a tough policewoman in a small Icelandic fishing community, who finds herself tackling the financial and political corruption that brought the country to its knees. Cold Comfort sees Gunna promoted to the Serious Crime Unit and dealing with the murder of a high-class escort with many influential clients. In Chilled to the Bone Gunna is on the trail of a blackmailing dominatrix - and also discovers she is to be a grandmother, though still in her 30s. Her investigations continue in Thin Ice, Cold Breath, and Cold Malice (all published by Constable). Gunna also features in two novellas, Winterlude and Summerchill.