

April news

Sharon Bolton’s much praised THE SPLIT has been shortlisted for Crimefest’s eDunnit Award for the best crime novel of 2020.

THE STEPMOTHER, an absorbing psychological suspense novel by former barrister Ros Carne, has just been published by Canelo and is already an Amazon bestseller in 3 categories.

In an early review, The Bookseller has described NORTH KOREA: LIKE NOWHERE ELSE by Lindsey Miller as ‘remarkable…a fascinating, immersive depiction of the country behind the headlines’. We agree, and so will others when Lindsey’s book is published in hardback in May. Lindsey was recently interviewed on an American tv channel about her experiences of living and travelling in North Korea over a period of two years. You can catch the interview here:

Newsy - 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM - Lindsey Miller Newsy Tonight Interview 4.5.21